Best of FaceboxTV 2014-2015

Facebox TV -
FaceBoX TV is a multi- language information tv show with international vest style that highlights exclusively the positive aspects an events happening anyware now, by sending out its young & energetic/vibrant team to document the facts in a unique style,
creating an contemporary reality backstage.
creating an contemporary reality backstage.
Facebox follows the important events; live concerts, fashion shows, theatre, cinema, motors, sport,
exhibitions and goes behind the scenes of other popular Television programs.
From the Labor Fest pop concert in Rome and Umbria jazz festival in Italy to Nashestvie Rock festival in Russia and Montreal Jazz Festival in Canada.
FaceBoX TV has covered many hundreds/thousands of kilometers in this its first tow years of life of existence garnering widespread acceptance, approval and recognition from public city governments such as the Vatican City and other cities in Italy and Germany as well the Russian Center of Since and Culture in Rome.
FaceboX Tv has had the honour of interviewing high ranking personalities such as Pope Francesco,
and many V.I.P.s from the world of entertainment from Italy USA Uk Germany Russia and so on
such as;
Italy: Vittorio Sgarbi, Enrico Ruggeri, Carmen Russo, Noemi, Nino Frassica, Dario Vergassola,
Renzo Arbore, Claudia Gerini, Irene Grandi, & many others besides.
Spain: Jose Dali (son of Salvador Dali)
USA : Snoop Dogg, Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock
UK: Bjork
Russia: Diana Arbenina, Rodion Gazmanov, Oskar Kuchera, Leningrad Rock band, B2 Rock Band, Matrixx Rock Band, Shaif Rock Band and many more ....
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